We have a couple of libraries to use to interact with the API.
Python Library
We provide a Python library, which you can install by running:
pip install spider-client
Once installed, you can use the library and your secret key to run the following:
from spider import Spider
app = Spider()
params = {"limit":5}
crawl_result = app.crawl_url('', params=params)
Javascript Library
We provide a Javascript library, which you can install by running:
npm install @spider-cloud/spider-client
Once installed, you can use the library and your secret key to run the following:
import { Spider } from "@spider-cloud/spider-client";
const app = new Spider();
const params = {"limit":5};
const result = await app.crawlUrl("", params)
Rust Library
We provide a Rust library, which you can install by running:
cargo add spider-client
Once installed, you can use the library and your secret key to run the following:
let spider = spider_client::Spider::new(None).expect("API required");
let crawler_params = RequestParams { limit: Some(50), ..Default::default() };
let crawl_result = spider.crawl_url("", Some(crawler_params), false, "application/json", None).await.expect("Failed to crawl the URL");
CLI Library
We provide a CLI library, which you can install by running with cargo:
cargo install spider-cloud-cli
Once installed, you can use the library and your secret key to run the following:
spider-cloud-cli auth --api_key YOUR_API_KEY
Now you can run any of the commands:
spider-cloud-cli crawl --url --limit 10
Use the following: spider-cloud-cli --help
to see all available commands.